Experience significant wins and find your NEW prime of life!

New Prime is an intentional way of living according to God’s original design - not just a fleeting stage - that impacts every area of your life!


A Place for Authentic Growth and Connection

Men in the New Prime mastermind* are everyday, "ordinary" Christian men from all walks of life who realize that we can't succeed in life running as a lone wolf. Together, we celebrate individual successes and strategize in areas we need strength. We are men of integrity and purpose, no matter what season of life we are in. We will not be put on the shelf! We are warriors for the Kingdom of God but we need each other for success.

Weekly video meetings are facilitated by seasoned leaders Mark Alewine and Chris Gallagher. Here, you too will find:

  • Authentic Friendships
  • Transformative Growth
  • Shared Wisdom
  • Real-Time Accountability

*A mastermind is simply a group of people with similar goals and challenges who rely on each other for accountability, advice, and support.

Are you ready to live your New Prime?

  • Are you willing to live your God-given identity out loud in the face of negative cultural stereotypes?
  • Are you lacking male relationships that support you and give you confidence to bring out the best in you?
  • Do you desire to have a greater Kingdom impact on those around you?
  • Are you open to actively providing and receiving support, encouragement, challenges, and opportunities?

If the answer is yes, keep reading.


Deeper Spiritual Connection: Through regular engagement with a community of like-minded Christian men and guided by experienced facilitators, members can experience a deeper connection with their faith and spirituality. 

Authentic Relationships: By participating in the mastermind, members have the opportunity to build authentic relationships with others who understand their journey and share similar values. 

Personal Growth and Development: The supportive environment of the mastermind encourages members to step out of their comfort zones, confront challenges, and pursue personal growth. 

Clarity and Direction: Through guided discussions, reflection exercises, and mentorship from experienced facilitators, members can gain clarity on their values, goals, and purpose in life. 

Positive Lifestyle Changes: Through the collective wisdom and support of the mastermind community, members are inspired to make positive lifestyle changes that align with their values and goals.


  • Weekly, facilitated video calls with an exclusive group of like-minded men
  • Monthly hot seat or topic
  • Private community on the Signal app for help, answers and/or prayer as needed throughout the week


"When we do life alone, the struggle is fierce and lonely. Sometimes our grief or anxiety is so high, we can’t see the answer that might be right in front of us. But when we run this race “together”, we are stronger and more aware of solutions to life’s problems." Mark Alewine
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Meet Your New Prime Facilitators:

Based on their combined 50+ years serving as pastors, leading men and participating in numerous communities and groups, Mark and Chris have seen first-hand what works and doesn’t work for Christian men to live their God-given identity with powerful purpose. Together they facilitate a weekly mastermind of Christian men who are ready to defy the culture and life in their New Prime as God intended.

Mark Alewine has served in leadership as a worship pastor for 30+ years as well as in the marketplace. He’s seen what’s possible when men do life together God’s way. With a pastor’s heart, he passes along a wealth of benefits he’s received from his long-term accountability group, 10 years in Celebrate Recovery, over 25 years as a mentor and sponsor as well as a variety of paid peer groups. 

Mark and his wife, Cindy, live in Minnesota.

Chris Gallagher is a pastor, coach and author. Having worked with individuals over the past 25 years, Chris has helped individuals discover their purpose, create their vision and use their unique abilities to achieve more and grow into the life they were called to live.

Chris and his wife, Carrie, live in Alabama.



"We love seeing Christian men live with purpose and it frustrates us when we see men trying to do life alone. This is the culture’s way, but it's NOT God’s way. We’ve seen amazing things happen when men do life together as a brotherhood or a pack like God intended.

That’s why we started New Prime, a Christian men’s mastermind that enables members to share collective wisdom, celebrate life and overcome struggles together no matter where they live. Our weekly meetings and connections throughout the week strongly support a New Prime no matter our age or circumstances."


1. When are the meetings? The New Prime mastermind meets every Tuesday night at 9pm ET/8pm CT/7pm MT/6pm PT, lasting for 1 hour.

2. Where are the meetings? Meetings take place on Sessions, a video call platform similar to Zoom, allowing participation from anywhere.

3. What if I can't come to every meeting? We understand that life can be unpredictable, and attending every meeting may not always be possible. While consistent participation is encouraged to fully benefit from the New Prime experience, we understand that occasional conflicts may arise. Staying in touch throughout the week on Signal (a private messaging app) is especially helpful during those times.

4. Why do I have to apply before joining? The application process allows us to ensure that each new member aligns with our values and is genuinely ready and able to benefit and contribute within the environment we've cultivated.

5. What's involved in the application process? The application process involves answering a couple of questions and scheduling a 30 minute conversation with Mark or Chris. 

6. Are the meetings recorded? For confidentiality purposes, meetings are not recorded.

7. If I change my mind or can't come anymore, can I get a refund? We understand that circumstances may change and we will work with you to address any concerns or challenges that may arise. If necessary, you may cancel your subscription. Cancellation requests must be in writing no less than 5 business days before renewal. Refunds are not available.

8. How big is the mastermind? In order to foster strong relationships, each mastermind group consists of no more than 15 men.

9. Is marital status a consideration for acceptance into the mastermind? No! It's simply a point of reference because it's part of your story. As such, marital status does not impact acceptance into the mastermind. 

10. What about confidentiality? In order to truly benefit, members need to be able to open up and feel safe. New Prime has a very strong expectation that what is shared in the group must stay in the group.

If you have other questions, please email our team at

Schedule a call with Mark or Chris and find out what

the New Prime Mastermind could make possible in your life!

(It might just be the best investment you'll ever make in yourself)

Yes, I'm ready!

The New Prime application process is as simple as a video call with

Mark or Chris.

Text Mark or Chris to schedule your conversation

Mark Alewine 952-373-1813

Chris Gallagher 256-297-1430


Have a conversation with Mark or Chris to get your questions answered and discover if the New Prime Mastermind is your next, best, right step.

Text Mark or Chris to schedule your conversation

Mark Alewine 952-373-1813

Chris Gallagher 256-297-1430

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